12-02-2004, 12:36 AM
Three legsLoss the weight without hurt feeling.
I have to admitted I got no guts to post my picture with my ex, my figure or their figure
Information, she would figure it all out very easily, perhaps she saw the thread and figure out already, we usually email to each other every day, until the day after my post.
If it is, please forgive me, you are very beautiful, because I'm considering very seriously for our relationships, I thought if we can make the weighs adjustment may be our dance result would be better.
And thanks all of you guys try to help me.
12-02-2004, 12:57 AM
LauraGood luck to you, and let us know how it all works out.
12-02-2004, 01:04 PM
TerraI think that "what you see, is what you get". Generally, people advise against going into a relationship based on expectations that someone else will change. People don't usually change much from what you see initially (mentally, physically, emotionally, etc.). I don't think you should approach her about her weight. Even though she's voluntarily talked about it, I don't think you should consider that an invitation to have at her in that regard. Body image is a very personal thing. The less said the better. I suspect that if you go into this partnership feeling the way you do, you will be constantly lusting after skinny women in your mind while dancing with her. And I think it would be unfair to allow her to relocate if you are not prepared to devote yourself 100% to making it work. As a man, you certainly have far more partner options than this lady. I wonder if some of your concern has more to do with how you think others will view you if you dance with a larger woman. And would her size be easier to accept if she was already a champion dancer? And finally, not all great partnerships are built around perfect physical matches, but they work because two people committed themselves to working toward something in spite of their physical differences. If you can't get past the size, I think you should look elsewhere.
12-02-2004, 01:12 PM
TerraP.S. If Three legs' potential partner is reading any of this, I sincerely hope you realize that this is not about you and it is not your problem.
12-02-2004, 01:51 PM
Three legsThanks, Terra, I read your every single words, it make big sense for me.
12-02-2004, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by Terra:
P.S. If Three legs' potential partner is reading any of this, I sincerely hope you realize that this is not about you and it is not your problem.
I thought you were going to say "sincerely hope you RUN LIKE HELL!"
(or roll like hell, whatever the case may be)
12-03-2004, 01:38 AM
Three legsLa_La_La_ or some body would say;
"Hope your three legs can help you run fast!"
12-26-2004, 07:30 AM
Three legsI'm so lucky, I don't have to run; she was too busy to read this forum.
One of my friend met her at Las Vega dance competiton at this month,actually she introduced her self to my friend, this way my friend would told me what is his opionion, I had been told she is tall, elegant and beautiful!
My prospective dance partner finally decided will be fly in town by 29th morning stay till 1st Jan 2005 morning for a very serious try out ( she would relocate) and take lesson together with me at 30th afternoon, how shall I treat her right and make the efficient three days schedule?
We only communicate with email about 42 times since the end of Oct and exchanged our competition dance video tape.
I booked her a Hotel room as my treat, 20 minutes from me.......
I'm an Asian and she is Caucasian....
Any suggestion?