02-17-2002, 03:11 PM
chonsdancing to house music
i was wondering if any of you were familiar with house-step? u'll see it a lot if you are into funky/disco house music. it has a lot of disco elements in it, as well as a lot of more urban hip hop moves.
02-21-2002, 12:18 AM
Hustle MotionWow, I am not sure what house-step is, but I do love dancing hustle to classic house music. And I mean true house music from the underground clubs back in the day. Also, todays house is great. I am so lost in the music, it is a natural high especially dancing hustle. Thank you for bringing back the memories of house. In the hustle world most of the dancers only believe in dancing hustle to obvious classic disco music. Don't get me wrong, I love classic disco but my true roots stem from house.
02-26-2002, 10:56 PM
Bob BI am not familiar with a particular step called "house step " either. Transcribe the footpattern for me . Maybe it is an existing step that I have seen. or something new that I have not.
However- The term "house music", came from local DJs that mixed their own versions of existing songs ,in many instances by keeping a constant bass beat under pinning continuous play . Many times the songs would be extended to 10 minutes or more. DJ X would play his own "house" music , as opposed to DJ Y,and so on. This was ultimately called house music. Clubs like Danceteria in Manhattan in the mid eighties were known for this type of thing. There is no particular style called "house music". The sound varies from "house" to house". "Techno" is a tyle derived from the concept of DJ house music. The drum machine is the real hero behind techno. The average drummer would have become bored to death playing it
But not to get off the track,Record companies after awhile took notice of the change in DJs based on theupgrades in their equipment and started releasing "extended plays" of their own on the backs of singles to mimic the "house" sound, and generate more sales. Hustle can be danced to house music- or not- Depending on the speed and beat that underpins it.
02-27-2002, 02:27 PM
Bob BYes Laura- Ditka was the first house DJ. And the best.