12-20-2004, 06:53 PM
LauraUSA Dance to adopt IDSF costume rules
Yep Three legs, you've got it: the parents and the coaches have the responsibility. A little kid isn't putting on all the makeup and making the dresses that have no backs or shirts that are cut down to the boy's navel -- some adult is making these outfits and giving them to the kids to wear, and choosing and applying the makeup.
I hear the adults say "but the kids want to look like the dancers they look up to" -- and I think well, what ever happened to the concept of the look being a reward for sticking with the dancing until one is 14 years old?
Although I do think that banning something innocuous like rhinestoned barrettes and bobby pins on the 13-and-under set is a bit harsh. 6-8 year old girls like the princessy glittery effect of some rhinestones in the hair, and that in itself doesn't scream sexualization of minors. I guess we'll have to wait and see what revisions come about as mentioned by Peter.
12-20-2004, 07:03 PM
Three legsThe young girls like looks to be older; the older girls like to be looks younger.

12-20-2004, 08:27 PM
pasox2I've got a girl who's going to be 8 in January, and she just started Latin this fall. She's been to lectures and group classes before, though. I think this rule is pretty stupid. I've been a comp organizer before and I don't want to be costume police. You can't legislate good taste. I keep my girl in a simple skirt and top, but... have you been to Libby Lu? She went to a birthday party there and the girls had the best time... putting on fake hair, nails, sequins, makeup, and singing silly songs. It was completely girly - not implied age of consent. That's gross. Anyway... I don't think rules do jack. You have to convince people to behave. A public announcement can do the trick.
A recommendation can do it. But if rules it is, so be it. I think they're scared. It's pretty boring if the girls can't wear the rhinestone barrett they got from Claire's.
12-20-2004, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by Laura:
I just get a creepy feeling when a 10 year old girl has on enough makeup to look 18. And it's not just in dancesport, either. I recall reading an article a few years ago in British Vogue or something about the latest modelling sensation. This lovely "English Rose" who everyone was oohing and ahhing over in the print and runway worlds was something really young like 12 or 13 but she was very tall for her age and they'd pile on the makeup and she'd look 22. It creeped me out to see her looking all gorgeous and even sexy and then realizing that she was 100% jail bait.
What's even scarier than that is meeting the men who don't care she's 13... blegh.
03-13-2009, 04:37 PM
llhenniganOk, so I am kinda new to the ballroom dance scene. I did grow up in the ballet as have my children. From the time of 5 on up it was stage makeup, changing costumes in the wings - and guess what - hope no one gets embarrassed when a breast come flinging out. Everyone was always so excited come recital time because of the colorful sparkly costumes. It was when you didn't get to be boring old you but you put on a colorful costume and you get to be a can-can dancer or a flower petal.