Are you going?

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12-15-2013, 03:49 PM
Jammin' Jamin
Are you going?
I'm new to the forum and I'm pumped to be a part.

I'm a choreographer and dancer who has taught and traveled the world for the last 22 years. I've just recently returned from a 5 week excursion that started in Bristol England, crossed half the circumference of the earth to Wellington NZ, back to Europe teaching in Freiburg and Berlin, submerged 300 feet under the earth to dance on the largest dance floor in eastern Europe that happen to be in a salt mine in Krakow, and now back home in sweet ol' Oklahoma (where the wind comes sweeping' down the plain.) It's been a long 4 weeks to say the least.

Since I'm on a 11 week vacation recuperating before I go back on the road, networking has been on my mind. Soooo, just wanted to reach out to you fellow artist to see if there are any dancers preparing to attend Frankie 100!

Look forward to connecting!

