
Location: Michigan, USA Registered:: 02-04-2001 Posts: 664 | Please find below an archive of "Dancing Tid-bits", which provide educational dance tips in Ballroom and Latin Dancing. Suggestions for discussion topics are always welcomed... 182. Outside Spin, My Dilemma, Please Help181. Three Sisters in Cha Cha Cha180. The ISTD Test continued, Part 4, Slow Foxtrot179. Oversway vs Throwaway Oversway178. ISTD Test (contd. Part 3) The Waltz177. "Posture, Poise and Presentation" by Katherine Schaffer176. The ISTD Test Continued (part 2).175. Teaching Stationary Samba Walks?174. The ISTD Test: Part I 173. Swing, Shape and Sway by Hilliers 172. So, you want to be a Teacher, Part III - Are You Ready? 171. Hilliers: Back to Basics 170. So you want to be a Teacher Part II, Preparation 169. "Flick" in Ballroom Dancing? 168. So, you want to be a Teacher 167. Louis Van Amstel says, "Move that Body" 166. The Back 1/2 of a Turn 165. Dancing in Thailand 164. Luca and Loraine come to Town 163. For the Benefit of Ladies: The Heel Turns 162. Improve your Waltz by Pierre Allaire 161. The Counter (?) Check 160. "Partnering the Partner" by Hilliers 159. Hillier's Tidbits 158. It's all about Rotation! 157. Tango, How and Why? 156. Inside/Outside Edge of Heel .....? 155. Spice Up Your Cha Cha Cha 154. Teaching Samba Part II 153. Teaching Samba 152. The Classic English Style, How to? 151. The Classic English Style? 150. The Feather Step 149. A Lesson with Glenn Weiss 148. Three Step vs. Shennay Turn-Final 147. What is "Shennay Turn?" 146. What is a Three Step Turn? 145. The First Lesson 144. The Secret to Slow Foxtrot 143. The Value of Fundamentals 142. Slow Foxtrot: Linear or Curvilinear?141. Reach, Release, Roll and Rise 140. Get your weight on that foot! 139. Stride and Walk 138. Paso Doble in 1 Hour 137. Cross Hesitation in Waltz 136. How do you count your Tango? 135. How to Dance the Basics with Style 134. Follow My Leader: Old Vs New 133. Dancing in Goa/India 132. Rumba to Salsa 131. Salsa is Hot? 129. Maja Serve', A reminder 128. Feather Step Timing, Controversy? 127. Jennifer Hillier 126. Stephen Hillier 125. Natural Turn and Natural Weave 124. Heel Turns, How to Follow? 123. Heel Turns, How to Lead? 122. Barbara Ambrose: A Lecture 121. Lock Step Chasse, Backward 120. Lock Step Chasse, Forward 119. The Cuban Break Chasse 118. Foot Slip Chasse 117. Hip Twist Chasse 116. Ronde Chasse 115. Cha Cha Cha Chasses 114. Cha Cha Cha Chasses 113. Dance to your Maximum? 112. Spotting technique 111. Natural Top, I am getting dizzy? 110. Cha Cha Cha Timing and Break 109. Teaching QS, Part IV-Basic Choreography 108. Teaching QS, Part III-Few Basic Figures 107. Teaching Quickstep-Part II 106. Teaching Quickstep-Part I 105. Paso Doble, Part III 104. Paso Doble, Part II 103. Paso Doble, Part I, Music 102. Mireille Veilleux 101. 101 Best Dance Teachers 100. Lead and Follow-Part II 99. Lead and Follow-Part I 98. Forward, Forward and Back 97. What is Good Posture? 96. Back Whisk Vs Fallaway Whisk 95. Drag Hesitation; How to Lead? 94. Drag Hesitation; A thing of the Past? 93. Outside Change to PP. 92. Outside Change, Do you Brush? 91. 1 a 2 in Samba-"Changing Trends" 90. Minimal vs Part Weight, part II 89. Minimal vs Part Weight, part I 88. Alemana and Three Alemanas, part II 87. Alemana and Three Alemanas, part I 86. Partner Size 85. Waltz: A lesson with Pierre Allaire 84. Promenade and Counter Promenade 83. Keep your Back 82. Foxtrot and Waltz; Same Dance? 81. Transfer vs Replace 80. Whatever happened to "Kiki Walks"? 79. Delayed Walks 78. Slow Foxtrot-Basic Choreography 77. Foxtrot- A Lesson with Kathryn Schaefer 76. Slow Foxtrot - Some Reflections 75. Spot Turn or a Switch Turn? 74. Rumba, a lesson with Pierre Allaire 73. Step outside Partner-HOW TO 72. Outside Partner 71. The AIDA, Lead and Follow 70. The AIDA 69. Ego in Dancing 68. Back to Samba 67. Syncopated Lock Step 66. Pepperpot in Quickstep 65. The World of Phyllis Haylor 64. Two Walks and a Link (Contd.) 63. Two Walks and a Link (Tango) 62. Lines in Dancing 61. Fan to Hockeystick 60. Stop and Go 59. Waltz 2nd step 58. What is in a name? 57. Getting the most out of your Dance Lesson! 56. Dance Lessons-Private Vs Group? 55. Learning from Videos 54. The Books, Shall I read them? 53. Preparation for a Lesson 52. Dance Training -#1 51. The Dance Terms 50. Pivots Footwork 49. Remembering Michael Houseman 48. Bronze Samba Routine 47. Corta Jaca, Technique 46. Bronze Samba! O' My God 45. 10 Dance or Just Latin 44. Pivots and Spins 43. Paso Doble 42. Rumba Walks Backwards 41. Rumba Walks 40. Chasses: Cha Cha vs. Jive 39. O' it's a Cha Cha 38. Hip Twists 37. Samba Bounce 36. ISTD vs IDTA/ The Books 35. Rumba Basic 34. Shall we Jive . . .? 33. How I did it? 32. Lower Your Cholesterol 31. Fat Grams, How to Count 30. How Many Grams of Fat? 29. Died While Dancing 28. Cucaracha variations 27. Teaching Latin: Cucaracha 26. Teaching Latin: Alemana 25. Dancing at Bally 24. Technique: Swinging Correctly 23. Artistic Interpretation: Light & Shade 22. Dance Elements: Timing & Beat Value 21. Dance Elements: Precedes and Follows 20. Dance Elements: CBM & CBMP 19. Dance Elements: Sway in Dancing 18. Technique: Footwork in Tango 17. Dance Elements: Footwork 16. Dance Elements: Rise and Fall 15. Dance Elements: Amount of Turn 14. Dance Elements: Alignments 13. It's all in the Waltz: Steps & Feet Position) 12. Music for Dancing -- Part V (Q&A & "Strict Tempo") 11. Music for Dancing -- Part IV (Tempo for Standard Dances) 10. Music for Dancing -- Part III (Tempo for Latin Dances) 9. Music for Dancing -- Part II (The Basics & Definitions) 8. Music for Dancing -- Part I (I Went Dancing Last Night!) 7. "a" and "&" -- Part IV (Syncopation: Samba) 6. American vs. International style (Q&A) 5. American vs. International style 4. "a" and "&" -- Part III (Syncopation: Rumba) 3. "a" and "&" -- Part II (Syncopation: ChaCha) 2. "a" and "&" -- Part I (Syncopation: Swing/Jive) 1. Rumba routine |