on figure skating...
Never figure skated before...hell i haven't really ice skated much...and i wanna be a pro in figure skating like michelle kwan...is it too late to learn? cuz i mean, these pros have started when they were 7 or something...
09-22-2003, 03:54 PM
Silver SambaDepends on your age ......however adult skating is starting to get available in more and more places. it's never to late to start skating. Btw, technically Michelle Kwan is not a pro but amateur.

09-25-2003, 03:58 PM
DanceAmIf I were to answer the question on age based on the last 10 years of skating, especially Freestyle amateur female, you might be too old. Even Michelle Kwan lost to a younger competitor who turned pro 2 Olympics ago. Her name escapes me, but Michelle herself is now considered old. There was a Tonia Kwiakowski (sp?) that competed at 28, she just looked to mature and heavy to pull off all the jumps and spins. If you look at Ice Dancing, the average age of competitors goes up, and you need a partner, but that is not out of the question. But if I were to say you have no chance because you are starting too late, my crystal ball isn't working so you could be the exception.
My wife skated and started when she was 13, she competed and I thought she was great, but she couldn't even do double jumps so she had no chance. Now Skaters are attempting quadruple jumps, good luck with that.