02-04-2014, 01:33 PM
danceScapeSKYHI Club T-Shirt Design - Vote for the Winning Design!
Please vote for the WINNING Design in danceScape's "SkyhiClub" T-Shirt Contest.<BR><BR>The Skyhi Club, inspired by danceScape students, is a community of fun individuals, associations, and businesses who love to laugh and are passionate about inspiring each other to live life beyond the now. It's more than a place to create a bucket list. It's a way of imagining and experiencing life as if the sky were not the limit.<BR><BR> <IMG class="inline_image" SRC="http://forums.dancescape.com/eve/forums/a/ga/ul/1262924437/skihiT-shirt_designcontestvotingboard_round2_640.jpg"> Vote for the Winning T-Shirt Design. As well as post what is on your "Bucket List" if the Sky were NOT the Limit ...Design 1Design 2Design 3