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Supporting Leg issues... Login/Join
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My right leg seems to be a lot weaker than my left. I've been attending ballet classes 3 times a week for a year now but I can't seem to strengthen it much. Are there any exercises or machines (at the gym) I could be using to help? My teacher wants me to start pointe work but she is very worried about this issue. Help! Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
Registered:: 05-21-2009
Posts: 7
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no dnt think you have any exercise for that.floatingtank payday loan service

first you must have self confident for that.
then your aim about this dance

Picture of adam2012
Registered:: 06-16-2009
Posts: 4
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A rightward turning bias has been more frequently noted during adult classical dance practice than during spontaneous rotations.comedian directory Singlebörse Hannover
Training could play a role in inducing a preferred direction. We observed the preferred direction for executing four spontaneous whole-body full turns (pirouettes), with eyes open or closed, in pre-pubertal untrained girls and classical dance students. tom and jery Gaming Computer
Of untrained girls, 58% showed a leftward turning bias (LTB) and 42% a rightward turning bias (RTB), independently of vision, lateral preferences, and supporting leg. Only one dancer showed a consistent LTB while the majority showed a RTB, with a tendency to use the left leg to turn towards the right. These results suggest that the role of the vestibular and visual systems is minimal for untrained girls, and suggest a training influence for dancers. The dance students' choice of a supporting leg for turning may exploit some biomechanical properties facilitating the pirouette.
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