Location: Toronto Canada Registered:: 12-03-2005 Posts: 44 | :Juice23, the best juice on the planet, wrote:
Hi EliseS! Back on topic, I think something representing the ams in pro/am would be great. Prices need to be defined in the same way for everyone. I don't necessarily mean the same prices, but the pro needs to give everything up front, which I know many don't do. Many are very vague to convince the students to compete. Then, when its time to pay, there are often more fees than originally presented.
- You must go over to our other thread and comment on the new pro/AM Association idea - besides anything we need more than three posters! What you descibe does occur, and is an important issue that the new entity should help to highlight and in so doing hopefully reduce.
Actually, you are obviously not a closeted AM/AM at all, you are the opposite species: a caged Pro/AM! Good luck getting the bars open... ee |