Registered:: 04-08-2005 Posts: 4 | Hi everyone. Let's put to bed the rumors that there will be no US Pro/Am Championships at this years USDSC. There will be the 4 regular Championships; U.S. Pro/Am International Style Latin American (C/S/R/PDF/J) on Tuesday (9/6); U.S. Pro/Am American Style Ballroom (W/T/F/V) on Wednesday; U.S. Pro/Am American Style Rhythm (C/R/SW/B/M) on Thursday and U.S. Pro/Am International Style Standard (W/T/F/V/Q) on Friday. All of the Pre-Teen and Junior Championships will be held as ususal as well. In addition we will be introducing the "All American" Closed Bronze & Silver competitions in all 4 styles. For more information visit the USDSC official website. |

Location: North America Registered:: 02-16-2004 Posts: 1702 | Thanks Renee, for the update and welcome to the United States DanceSport Championships ( USDSC) as a new DanceScape Corporate Member. September 6th - 10th, 2005 Westin Diplomat Resort & Spa, Hollywood, FL We invite registered DanceScapers and other Dancers to dialogue with the USDSC about upcoming initiatives at this event. As they are under a new executive management team with a new vision, please use this opportunity to provide them with "objective" feedback about what you would like to see different at future events, as well as what you feel they have done right at past events! Best regards, DanceScape Support |