12-25-2004, 03:48 PM
tanechkaWhat is your ideal dance partner?
And you want to say that Genes are to blame for the way you dance?

12-25-2004, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by tanechka:
And you want to say that Genes are to blame for the way you dance?
How do you know how he dances, good or bad? Have you tried him out already and found him no good? This may be the best thing that happened to me in this yr.
12-25-2004, 04:08 PM
tanechkaBut he is a man and you too. Have you tried to dance with him?
12-25-2004, 04:13 PM
tanechkaTango.... is it about you??

12-25-2004, 04:23 PM
Three legsAre you talking about the
Ok! Here we go; Just try to save some of your time.
Three legs
posted 12-25-2004 04:00 PM
Tango is my most favor and powerful dance, I can legally drag my senorita when I'm feel I want to Spanish drag her..........
I can push my senorita down without any resist when I like to do the contra check,
Push and pull my senorita as many as I want when I do the rock...........
I'm no more afraid to show my senorita of my mad face and emotion......
I feel I'm the one hundred percent Man at this dance, ......not the confused Dancingkid's favor dance - Paso Doble , some time he has to hide behind his senorita - the caples............ crying as a DancingBaby!
posted 12-25-2004 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Three legs:
_Tango_ is my most favor and powerful dance, I can legally drag her when I'm feel I want to mad face and emotion.
-Spanish drag her. I can push her down without any resist when I like to do the contra check,
Push and pull her as many as I want when I do the rock..........I'm no more afraid to show her my -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Good, Mucho good. Throw her across the floor by doing a fan. Show her who the boss is!! Just remember that I was the one who reminded you of your Tango.
I have to say, Dancingkid he still is my hero,
but I still looking for my senorita I able to drag,push,pull and throw..........Are you want to be my senorita? your perfect prospective ideal dance partner.
12-25-2004, 05:02 PM
tanechkaLook, in the latin dances the female partner plays the most important part in all dances except for Paso, where for sure man is more important. On the other side, in standand - the man is the most important except for Tango, where the femal patner is definitely more important- head and footwork. And man is not suppose to push, pull' throw her on the floor and so forth. Just gently lead. may be you talk about argentine tango?
12-25-2004, 05:04 PM
tanechkaI would love to dance with you but I think I don't deserve this honour. Anyways, thank you. Are you Gemini?
12-25-2004, 05:17 PM
Three legsDamn! I had been rejecting in a courtesy way.
My Mom is Gemini.