07-20-2001, 12:53 PM
<<Ric>>Favourite Waltzes
With You I'm Born Again - Billy Preston and Syreeta
07-23-2001, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by dancemax:
I have a couple getting married. They want to do a waltz. Can someone suggest a reasonable, romantic modern radio song from a popular artist but with a strong beat (beginner waltz) and a tempo no slower than 3o mpm. it should be avialble in a regular music store. thanks
Don't know how "contempory" this is (depends upon your definition), but I always thought "Could I Have This Dance" by Anne Murray would be a great wedding waltz.
09-05-2001, 06:22 AM
quickstepper"Take it to the limit" by the Eagles. I think it makes for a fantastic waltz. Very easy to find the phrasing too.
09-05-2001, 06:40 AM
MichelleLady Lay Down / John Conlee (Oldie! But a classic

09-17-2001, 06:14 AM
ThreeStepI'm into all the old waltzes...
But more modern stuff...
James Taylor, Run For The Roses.
That one is pretty good.
09-18-2001, 04:50 AM
<<musicman>>Leanne Rhymes - can't remember the name of the song though.
I'm sure she does rhyme, considering she sings, but it's "Rimes."

Does anyone know who does "When Will I See You Again"? I must have heard it at the comp last weekend, it's really stuck in my head!
01-22-2002, 06:29 AM
<<Leanne Rimes Fan>>Does anyone know the name of the slow waltz Leanne Rimes sings? Much appreciated, Thanx.
01-22-2002, 07:48 AM
MichelleI think you mean "Unchained Melody"? It's actually a cover, but I don't remember by whom... I do know it was in the "Ghost" soundtrack (movie featuring Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze).