10-15-2003, 11:55 AM
iamlaneyplease tll me what you think of my new disco idea in our town
I recently came up with an idea ..I wanted to share its called disco days...witch is a day disco.... set up to help people loose weight while they dance to their faviorte disco music ..as in my day it was the only way I stayed thin......incorperated with that is a diet bar and diet smoothies drinks ....and absolutly no fatning stuff here...then I was going to have the colorful lighting and disco ball with the dim lights so it lookes like a night club ...OK now whats your opinion? thanks Please tell me...
10-15-2003, 12:54 PM
<Anonymous>Sounds great. Where are you located?
10-15-2003, 06:44 PM
iamlaneysouth jersey ocean township my e-mail address is
njlaney123@aol.com 10-16-2003, 08:22 PM
<Anonymous>south jersey do you think ...people will like somthing like this?
???? thanks for your in put...I appreciateit...Elaine
10-17-2003, 01:13 PM
<Anonymous>The best location of the town is Manhattan.