Location: Virginia - USA Registered:: 07-18-2001 Posts: 339 | Val, Diana, Best wishes to you both. Assuming you plan to keep dancing, I (as well as many others in the dance community) look forward to seeing how your dancing will grow and mature with your new partners. Thanks for keeping us Dancescapers in the loop! Tonia ![[Smile]](smile$2.htm) |
Location: Philadelphia, PA Registered:: 05-13-2002 Posts: 155 | quote: Originally posted by <news>: as far as I know, Val started dancing with Sandra! What a mistake! I don't think Sandra can even compare to Diana's dancing. And to trade her for Sandra is just a big loss for Valentin. Ofcourse that's my opinion.
Sandra who? |
| It is Sandra Udis. Yes, this is big mistake. But it least we know what is going on. BIG MONEY. Now everybody undrestood who is the jerk. No wonder Diana, your are The great dancer and The great Person. I believe you will find the right person to dance with. Good luck!!!! |

Location: Rockville, MD Registered:: 11-27-2001 Posts: 542 | I think the fact that one of the members of this former partnership posted about the breakup on a public forum, without any regard to the other partner's feelings, in and of itself, shows who did the breaking up. It's immature and a sign of bad taste to make something private a public matter for discussion.
I am shocked, if the above gossip is true, at whom he chose as Diana's replacement. It's a shame! Maybe Val's camp thinks he's outgrown Diana; that he's faster than her, has more presence, better technique, whatever. But what makes them think that he not even more superior than Sandra!? Beats me... |
| Val posted this message to make sure that gossip would not be spread about the break up, not to hurt anyones feelings. I know both Val and Diana and just because they are not dancing together anymore does not mean that they want to hurt eachothers feelings. They are still friends. If Val wants to dance with Sandra, let him dance with her, but how do we even know this is true? I personally think that Diana and Sandra are both very good dancers. Let them make their own choices and stop jumping to conclusions! Come on guys! Be mature. |
| I have heard of another couple,where Sandra's BIG MONEY bought her a partner. I think it was a few month ago? |
| quote: Originally posted by <JiveKween15>: Let them make their own choices and stop jumping to conclusions! Come on guys! Be mature.
Maturity is NOT required OR encouraged for posting here. |
| I watched Diana since her first Nationals. She is a wonderful girl. I don?t know how does she feel now, but I am convinced that in a long run termination of this partnership will be a very positive step for her. I hope she will continue to work hard and will find a coach that will be able to help her to reveal her talent and her abilities. I always considered that she is better than Val. I was a little bit disappointed on the last National. I thought that Val doesn?t give her enough space to dance.
Good luck Diana and prove that I am right. I am sure that for a good girl always will be a good partner. |
| Yes, what do you think will happen to Leonid now? If the gossip about Val and Sandra are true? ![[Confused]](confused.gif.htm) |

Location: Germantown, MD Registered:: 12-16-2001 Posts: 973 | quote: Originally posted by <interjection>: Maturity is NOT required OR encouraged for posting here.