"There have been several expose's, local and national. NONE of which show any positive view points...
The warning on the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION website is also lopsided and outdated...
It is never impractical. That lumping you do can, will ,and does damage other people."
Media, governement, and customers when exposing fraudulent practices will almost always paint a broad brush. That is REALITY that everyone lives with. You can sit back and cry unfair but at the end of the day you will be the one paying the price. The point is if there are fraudulent practices going on, real or imagined, a business or industry should address it before it affects the bottom line. Of course, we can also argue about it in this forum but is this an effective way to stop the problem?
"Almost again. It would be easier to promote only the good, let the weeds die of starvation. Allowing the good to be lumped together."
I wish but unrealistic. Weeds are not a good example because they'll just do the opposite choking the desirable ones. It takes a while for these weeds to wither and during that time there would still be victims. Deliberate weeding out is much better than waiting for the good ones to out grow them.
"Except when someone puts all the rotten apples in the headlines, ignoring the thousands of good for the ten bad ones."
As you've mentioned earlier, there are no positives being mentioned by media, FTC, and forum participants. Then, how would you explain the flourishing business of good and honest studios, franchise and independents? Could it be the way they treat the customers? In fact, they (honest studios) are the beneficiary once the dishonest ones are out of business. Although there is a reflex for people to lump, there is also tendency to realize that there are exceptions and are willing to give it try.
"You might be good example, your business seems to be thriving probably from the good word that is spread around."
"You are correct, our students want to bring friends and our referral system is top notch."
Precisely the point, good deed triumphs!
"That already happened for us(the Franchised ones), and it will eventually get around to all if words like yours keep getting repeated over and over without any thought."
The government will not step in unless there are specific valid complaints. Like what I've said, complaints should be addressed whether real, imagined, or concocted because they snowball. What "words like mine" are you talking about?
"If you are going to serve any purpose being "proactive", then you better be specific when writing about someone in forums like this. Your type of proactivity will only succeed in driving naive people away from a wonderful opportunity.
If you must be the negative, then start a website of VERIFIED fraudlent studios and teachers. Just be accurate and completely upfront about the contents. "
I am proactive in protecting myself by reading forums like this and making inquiries about the studio. I am not driving away people from your business. It is the few bad apples that you refuse to police. Put up a website? Nope. I am not putting up a website to benefit you or anybody. My solution is for the industry to address the problem at a national level. Do you have any solution aside from responding to people like me in the forum?