Location: Indiana Registered:: 02-14-2002 Posts: 103 | Hi Bob and Julia! You guys are the BEST!!!! I'm working on my 9-dance routines currently and I hope to be half as good as Julia someday! I saw you guys live at Northcoast Ballroom championships in Cleveland, OH last June and I was in for such a treat!!!! Just like my boyfriend promised! WE have a little joke between us, when he's stuck and can't think of a man's move in a certain Rhythm dance, I ask 'what would Bob do?' and he immediately assumes a very manly looking pose! Seems to work every time! We love you guys, you are the best!! (Sorry Dan and Nicole....) 9-dancer.  |

Location: Houston Registered:: 05-01-2002 Posts: 698 | I consider myself very fortunate to have had the pleasure of seeing Bob & Julia perform in Galveston this past December and to have had a coaching with Bob.   |